Assisted Living and Facility Transportation

Assisted Living and Facility Transportation

JKC Life Assisted Living Transportation services are meant for residents of assisted living communities, nursing homes, or similar long-term care facilities. Our services are curated  to help residents with their transportation needs, ensuring they can access essential services and activities both within and outside the facility. Our services often provides door-to-door pick up of residents at the facility and dropping them off at their destination, and vice versa. Customers can set a schedule ensuring that they can plan their transportation needs in advance. Our vehicles are typically equipped to accommodate residents with mobility challenges. Drivers and transportation staff are trained in providing safe and comfortable transportation for older adults and individuals with varying levels of care needs. We also offer services where residents can participate in social and recreational activities, such as visits to parks, shopping centers, cultural events, and more. We know the importance of these services as these are essential for improving the quality of life and independence of residents in long-term care settings. By offering reliable transportation options, we enable residents to access medical care, engage in social activities, and maintain connections with the community.


What Our Clients Say

I highly recommend JKC Life for their exceptional non-emergency medical transportation services. Their team is reliable, compassionate to ensuring that their clients have access to essential medical care in a comfortable and convenient manner. Living in Anaheim, I feel at ease knowing that JKC Life is there to support my mobility needs.
Grace Hill
JKC Life LLC has been a lifesaver for me and my family. Their dedicated and compassionate team has allowed us to access essential medical care without the stress and worry of transportation. Their vehicles are comfortable and equipped to handle any mobility challenges, making each trip a smooth and easy experience.
Jamie Carter
JKC Life LLC is a reliable non-emergency medical transportation provider in Anaheim. They ensure reliable transportation services for individuals with mobility challenges. They're committed to providing compassionate and dependable service. JKC Life LLC has exceptional customer service by investing in their client's well-being.
Robert Owens
Call Today

+1 (657) 610-6777

228 S Mall Pl, Anaheim, CA 92804